This guide demonstrates that our county has many
resources to offer. We hope that this guide will bring the community
together; will help professionals to resource the community more
effectively, and will be user friendly on an individual basis- empowering
people to help themselves.
This guide is as extensive as possible within the constraints that we had.
We see this guide as a first edition and hope that it can be updated on a
periodic basis. With corrections, additions and questions, contact Mary
Bruce at (606) 574-0355 or (606) 574-0455.
This Guide Was Made Possible By:
This guide was financed by generous gifts of the Harlan
County Extension Service and the Harlan County Fiscal Court. Durham
Printing made a significant contribution to the project, donating much of
their services. Organization and volunteer work was provided by Mennonite
Central Committee and its SWAP Program (Sharing With Appalachian People)
along with Mary Bruce who currently serves through the AmeriCorps
Appalachian Self-Sufficiency Program at Harlan County Works. There were a
number of volunteers who assisted the process with proofreading and
computer work, for which we are very grateful.
About Mennonite Central Committee:
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is an international
relief service, community development and peace agency of the North
American Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches.
About The AmeriCorps Appalachian Self-Sufficiency Program (AASSP):
AASSP members stationed at Department for Community
Based Services offices and Kentucky Works projects throughout 17 eastern
Kentucky counties conduct one-on-one mentoring with individuals seeking to
leave the welfare system. AASSP members mentor welfare recipients to help
them overcome barriers preventing their self-sufficiency The AASSP is
funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service via the
Kentucky Commission on Community Cabinet for Families and Children.